[Disclaimer : The blog text are contents as received in forwarded mails. Its nothing to do with my view. Any copyrights violations are thus regretted.]

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Women in Men’s Life..

Women in Men's Life..
I was born, a woman was there to hold me…….. My Mother
I grew as a child, a woman was there to care for me…….My Sister
I went to a school, a woman was there to help me learn….. My Teacher
I became depressed, whenever I lost. A woman was there to offer a shoulder …. My Wife
I became tough, A woman was there to melt me…… My daughter
I am dying, a woman is there to absorb me in……My Mother Land
If you are a man, value every Woman…..

If you happen to be a woman………………..

................................................................................................................Don't behave like a devil