[Disclaimer : The blog text are contents as received in forwarded mails. Its nothing to do with my view. Any copyrights violations are thus regretted.]

Friday, June 6, 2008

Passport with Z series -- Important Information

Kindly make a note of this and forward to all concerned.

If your passport is of Z series. (Passport number starts with Z). If your passport is in the serial number from Z000001 to Z073000
You need to submit your Passport to the Passport office for the cancellation.
For this following procedure need to be undertaken:

Log on to www.passport. gov.in

Fill up online form
Submit your original passport along with online filled up form and address proof

This news is from Times of India.

http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/Government_ withdraws_ 46000_Z-series_ passports/ articleshow/ 3007718.cms

Passport office will return your new passports within a week or two. All this needs to be done on urgent basis..