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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Indian English..... homely



Quick definitions (homely)

· adjective: plain and unpretentious (Example: "Homely truths")

· adjective: lacking in physical beauty or proportion (Example: "A homely child")

· adjective: without artificial refinement or elegance (Example: "Plain homely furniture")

· adjective: having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable (Example: "The homely everyday atmosphere")

Word origin


homely Look up homely at Dictionary.com

c.1300, "of or belonging to home or household, domestic," from M.E. hom "home." Sense of "plain, unadorned, simple" is c.1380, and extension to "having a plain appearance" took place before 1400, but now survives chiefly in U.S., esp. in New England, where it is the usual term for "physically unattractive;" ugly being typically "ill-tempered."

Hi Friends,

I thought of sharing one info with u all..

Never use the word “Homely”, the way we Indians use it. Some of you might not be aware of its actual meaning which is “Ugly” or “Unattractive”. Last week a guy was giving a presentation to his classmates in the US. The topic was something like “INDIAN CULTURE”. Towards the end he was telling them he likes to marry a homely girl. The class was bursting with laugh….Poor guy J